BLINKY BILL'S  Sleeping koala in Duisburg Zoo - Germany HOMEPAGE
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Hello everybody,

thank you very much for visiting this site. Koalas are inherently gentle animals with a magical ability of being able to awaken compassion in people. This makes the koala
a powerful flagship to further the message of conservation.
(Quotation by Deborah Tabart - AKF Executive Director)

The koala is a fuzzy grey- or brown-colored marsupial living in gum (eucalyptus) trees. Meanwhile their habitat is limited to a few
areas in South and East Australia.
Continual loss of habitat (as a result of progressive human settlement and extended road-building) and hunting until the early 20th century reduced the koala population from over 3.000.000 to less than 100.000 NO TREE NO ME Other reasons for the extinction are chlamydia as well as bush fires (often lighted deliberately). More than 4000 koalas are killed every year thru habitat destruction, dogs and road kill.


Hence the koala is a highly endangered species which needs your help. The total extinction of these cute fur balls would be an
immense loss for everybody.

 The AKF (Australian Koala Foundation) is an international completely self-funded non-profit organization whose prime focus and aim is the
long-term conservation of the koala in the wild. They try to preserve habitat, provide information, raise money, hold conferences and seminars.

There are different ways you can help: Make a donation, become a member of the AKF or become a foster parent of a koala. If you like to learn more about koalas, their problems and needs and how YOU can support them just follow the links below:

Links to other koala related sites
Facts about koalas
Books and tapes about koalas
Organizations - Sanctuaries
Koalas in Taipeh Zoo - Taiwan
Want to become a member of the AKF? Just click here to visit their membership page !!

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Visitors since 30-12-2002

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Last update: 21.11.03

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